Shomrita Mandal

Odissi Classical Dance    Vadodara

Shomrita Mandal is a versatile performer proficient in Odissi Dance. Shomrita holds a degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Currently, she is pursuing her Visharad in Odissi from Pracheen Kala Kendra (Chandigarh). She embraced the Odissi dance form and became a disciple of Guru Smt. Barnalee Sarkar in 2015 and she received her training under her able guidance. Shomrita has performed in several prestigious dance festivals such as Every Friday Cultural program by ICCR, Bangalore, International Odissi Utsav 2023, Bangalore, Tarang, Yatra 2023, Shri Jagan Nath Rath Yatra, Hare Krishna Trust, Padappai, Tamil Nadu, Padukone Dravid CSE for the Indian wheelchair tennis tour, Bangalore, Lecture demonstration organized by Kala Sampada in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture Bangalore, Malhar - Yatra, an annual showcase of Shubham, a School of PerformingArts, Bangalore, ' PARESHTI ' - a dance drama production by Shubham, a School of Performing Arts and many more.