A dedicated kathak dancer, Sakshi Sharma started her journey in the field of kathak from Gwalior. She is a Gold Medalist and holds a bachelor's degree with the first position in the state Merit List at Raja Mansingh Tomar Music and Arts University (M.P) and received her training under the tutelage of Dr. Samiksha Sharma Ji at Kathak Kendra National Institute of Kathak Dance. She later completed her Master's Degree in kathak from Indira Sangeet Kala Vishwa Vidyalaya, Khairagarh. She is a graded artiste of Doordarshan and has performed at prestigious festivals such as Delhi Kathak Mahotsav, and Bharat Parv, and international seminars at Banaras Hindu University and Ghat Sandhya. Apart from solo performances, she participated in several choreographies under her Guru and other eminent artists across the nation, which includes performances at Kathak Kendra in various choreographies such as Aam Aham Mayavi, Hindi Parv, Nav Sankalp, Sanwre Ke Rang and Kalidas Samaroh in Ujjain. She has won several awards such as Shakti Sadhna Samman 2018 and Winner of Inter District Pratibha Khoj Festival 2015-16. Sakshi is an experienced instructor at various educational institutions and for the last 7 years, she has been imparting the knowledge and intricacies of kathak to young dancers.