Anushree Chowdhury has learnt Bharatnatyam under Keya Bhaduri Bhattacharyya for more than fifteen years and completed one margam. She has also learnt Hindustani Classical music under Guru Sri Nabakumar Sarkar and has been awarded Sangeet Visharad from Pracheen Kala Kendra, Chandigarh in 2011. She has performed extensively across India including some of the most prestigious platforms and festivals of the country. Some of her most prestigious performances include the 13th Mahanadi Festival 2018 at Cuttack, the Udayshankar Nrityotsav 2017 organised by West Bengal State Music Academy at Rabindrasadan, Krishnaswamy Dance and Music Festival, Nrityashree Chaturaasa Dance Festival at Kapaleeswara Temple, Mylapore, Ras Banaras at the Banaras Hindu University and Bharatnatyam Dwairath which was telecasted on Doordarshan Kendra Kolkata. She has also performed for the Festival of Indian Classical Dance at G.D.Birla Sahbagar organized by The Doverlane Music Conference in 2013.