An exponent of the Kathak style who has gained guidance and training under Pandit Vijay Shankar ji. Since the last 10 years, she is pursuing her training in Kalashram under the guidance of Padma Vibhushan Pandit Birju Maharaj and Saswati sen. Anasua has received a graded dancer certificate from Doordarshan, Kolkata. She has been awarded the Senior National Scholarship by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India in 2009-10. She is now learning and working under the guidance of Padma Vibhushan Pt. Birju Maharaj, Smt. Saswati Sen in New Delhi, Smt. Vaswati Mishra, Pt. Vijay Shankar, Kolkata and Smt. Swagata Mukharjee. As an artist she has worked with all the leading gurus and choreographers including Padma Vibhushan Dr. Sonal Mansingh, Smt.Vaswati Mishra and Maitree Pahari. She has been trained in different forms of dance including Contemporary and Ballet from Leah Raphael Curtis (Delhi Dance Theatre) based in U.S.A, Creative Dance at the Rabindra Bharati University and Rope dancing (Aerial) by Deb Kumar Paul.